Now showing items 156-175 of 247

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      Making free public healthcare attractive: optimizing health equity funds in Cambodia 

      Jacobs, Bart; Bajracharya, Ashish; Saha, Jyotirmoy; Chhea, Chhorvann; Bellows, Ben; Flessa, Steffen; Antunes, Adelio Fernandes (2018-06-25)

      Background: Following the introduction of user fees in Cambodia, Health Equity Funds (HEF) were developed to enable poor people access to public health services by paying public health providers on their behalf, including non-medical costs for hospitalised beneficiaries (HEFB). The national scheme covers 3.1 million pre-identified HEFB. Uptake of benefits, however, has been mixed and a substantial proportion of poor people still initiate care at private facilities where they incur considerable out-of-pocket costs. We examine the benefits of ...
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      Malaysia PM warns inequality fuelling extremism; ASEAN urges calm over North Korea 

      Kapoor, Kanupriya; Lema, Karen (Reuter, 2017-04-28)
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      Measuring health equity in the ASEAN region: conceptual framework and assessment of data availability 

      Barcellona, Capucine; Mariéas, Yzabel Bryanna; Tan, Si Ying; Lee, Gabriel; Ko, Khin Chaw; Chham, Savina; Leerapan, Borwornsom; Pham Tien, Nam; Lim, Jeremy (2023-12-05)

      Background: Existing research on health equity falls short of identifying a comprehensive set of indicators for measurement across health systems. Health systems in the ASEAN region, in particular, lack a standardised framework to assess health equity. This paper proposes a comprehensive framework to measure health equity in the ASEAN region and highlights current gaps in data availability according to its indicator components. Methods: A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to map out a core set of indicators to evaluate health ...
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      Monarchy and modern politics in Southeast Asia 

      Michael Vatikiotis (Brooking Institution, 2015)
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      Moving towards culturally competent health systems for migrants? Applying systems thinking in a qualitative study in Malaysia and Thailand 

      Pocock, Nicola Suyin; Chan, Zhie; Loganathan, Tharani; Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong; Kosiyaporn, Hathairat; Allotey, Pascale; Chan, Wei-Kay; Tan, David (2020-04-06)

      Cultural competency describes interventions that aim to improve accessibility and effectiveness of health services for people from ethnic minority backgrounds. Interventions include interpreter services, migrant peer educators and health worker training to provide culturally competent care. Very few studies have focussed on cultural competency for migrant service use in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). Migrants and refugees in Thailand and Malaysia report difficulties in accessing health systems and discrimination by service providers. ...
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      Moving towards culturally competent, migrant-inclusive health systems: a comparative study of Malaysia and Thailand 

      Nicola S. Pocock; Rapeepong Suphanchaimat (the Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2021)

      Migrants are seldom included in policy discussions on the provision of health care, and in country policy reforms towards health for all. In addition, evidence on health care for migrant populations to inform and guide policy makers is limited. This Comparative Country Study (CCS) uses mixed-method approaches to analyse the extent to which two middle-income countries – Thailand and Malaysia, have culturally competent, migrant-inclusive health systems. The countries have taken different approaches to developing a migrant-inclusive health system. ...
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      Murmurs of Politics and Economics 

      Lilic, Nikola (New England Journal of Medicine, 2018-09-27)
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      National health inequality monitoring: current challenges and opportunities 

      Hosseinpoor, Ahmad Reza; Bergen, Nicole; Schlotheuber, Anne; Boerma, Ties (Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group, 2018-12-03)

      National health inequality monitoring needs considerably more investment to realize equityoriented health improvements in countries, including advancement towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Following an overview of national health inequality monitoring and the associated resource requirements, we highlight challenges that countries may encounter when setting up, expanding or strengthening national health inequality monitoring systems, and discuss opportunities and key initiatives that aim to address these challenges. We provide specific ...
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      “No Nation Can Go Forward When It Is Crippled by Disease”: Philippine Science and the Cold War, 1946–65 

      Neelakantan, Vivek (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2021)

      This article outlines a notion of postcolonial Philippine science. First, it touches on the links between science, medicine, the Cold War, and nation building. Second, it examines the niche occupied by applied sciences, particularly nutrition, agriculture, and medicine, in nation building. Between 1946 and 1965, Philippine presidents understood science functionally, in terms of harnessing the country’s natural resources for economic development; and strategically, in terms of the Philippines being a regional leader of the free world in Southeast ...
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      Opening the GATE to inclusion for people with disabilities 

      Khasnabis, Chapal; Mirza, Zafar; MacLachlan, Malcolm (The Lancet, 2015)
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      Perspectives on health equity and social determinants of health 

      Bogard, Kimber; Murry, Velma McBride; Alexander, Charlee M.; National Academy of Medicine (U.S.) (National Academy Of Medicine, 2017)

      Social factors, signals, and biases shape the health of our nation. Racism and poverty manifest in unequal social, environmental, and economic conditions, resulting in deep-rooted health disparities that carry over from generation to generation. In Perspectives on Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health, authors call for collective action across sectors to reverse the debilitating and often lethal consequences of health inequity. This edited volume of discussion papers provides recommendations to advance the agenda to promote health ...
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      Piketty’s Inequality Story in Six Charts 

      Cassidy, John (The New Yorker, 2014)
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      Politics, Power, and Change 

      Peter Mumford; Satya Ramamurthy (KPMG)

      There are 10 varied and challenging national storylines unfolding in ASEAN – and businesses need to join these conversations. Juggling the many demands of an increasingly complex stakeholder universe – from consumers to politicians, regulators to society at large – will require an understanding of the wide array of domestic and regional political risks in ASEAN. While there are some challenges that are common to many countries in ASEAN, the level of risk and trend direction vary. There are several questions on geo-strategy in the region: Will ...
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      Population Aging and Inequality: Evidence from the People’s Republic of China 

      Chen, Xudong; Huang, Bihong; Li, Shaoshuai

      Population aging has significant economic and social costs, and this paper studies its impacts on inequality, both theoretically and empirically. First, we build a two-period overlapping-generation model with an uncertain lifetime and find that population aging has the overall effect of increasing income and consumption inequality within the society. For the empirical analysis, we use household data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey to assess the age effect on income and consumption inequality in the People’s Republic of China and confirm ...
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      Poverty, equity, human rights and health 

      Braveman, Paula; Gruskin, Sofia (The World Health Organization, 2003)

      Those concerned with poverty and health have sometimes viewed equity and human rights as abstract concepts with little practical application, and links between health, equity and human rights have not been examined systematically. Examination of the concepts of poverty, equity, and human rights in relation to health and to each other demonstrates that they are closely linked conceptually and operationally and that each provides valuable, unique guidance for health institutions’ work. Equity and human rights perspectives can contribute concretely ...
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      Poverty, equity, human rights and health 

      Braveman, Paula; Gruskin, Sofia (Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2003)

      Those concerned with poverty and health have sometimes viewed equity and human rights as abstract concepts with little practical application, and links between health, equity and human rights have not been examined systematically. Examination of the concepts of poverty, equity, and human rights in relation to health and to each other demonstrates that they are closely linked conceptually and operationally and that each provides valuable, unique guidance for health institutions’ work. Equity and human rights perspectives can contribute concretely ...
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      William H. Overholt (the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, 2021)

      The global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021 has catalyzed a re-examination of what national security consists of, and what responsibilities the world’s armed forces must or should assume to meet such non-military challenges. Yet the competition between the United States and its adversaries has intensified, requiring that the national security enterprise retain traditional capabilities while keeping up with the fierce pace of technological innovation. PRISM V.9,N.2 authors address the emerging challenges armed forces must meet, offer perspectives ...
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      Profiteering from vaccine inequity: a crime against humanity? 

      Hassan, Fatima; Yamey, Gavin; Abbasi, Kamran (BMJ, 2021-08-16)
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      Public narrative participant guide 

      Zhang, Serena; Vulpillieres, Voop de (Harvard University)

      This workshop guide has been developed over the course of many trainings by Liz Pallatto, Joy Cushman, Jake Waxman, Kate Hilton, Tiffany Steinwert, Devon Anderson and many others. We welcome your suggestions for improving this guide further for future trainings. We also welcome you to use it and adapt it for your own trainings, subject to the restrictions below.