Now showing items 279-298 of 299

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      Understanding each one makes diversity work, lecturer says 

      Mitchell, Robert P (the Harvard Gazette, 2022-10)
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      Understanding the social change model of leadership development 

      Komives, Susan R.; Wagner, Wendy (2017)

      Leadership for a Better World provides an approachable introduction to the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (SCM), giving students a real-world context through which to explore the seven C's of leadership for social change as well as a approaches to socially responsible leadership. From individual, group, and community values through the mechanisms of societal change itself, this book provides fundamental coverage of this increasingly vital topic. Action items, reflection, and discussion questions throughout encourage students to ...
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      Universal health coverage in 'One ASEAN': are migrants included? 

      Guinto, Ramon Lorenzo Luis R.; Curran, Ufara Zuwasti; Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong; Pocock, Nicola Suyin (2015-01-24)

      Background: As the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) gears toward full regional integration by 2015, the cross-border mobility of workers and citizens at large is expected to further intensify in the coming years. While ASEAN member countries have already signed the Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers, the health rights of migrants still need to be addressed, especially with ongoing universal health coverage (UHC) reforms in most ASEAN countries. This paper seeks to examine the inclusion ...
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      Utilisation of and factors associated with non-COVID-19 healthcare services in public facilities amongst cross-border migrants in Thailand, 2019-2022 

      Wongsuwanphon, Saruttaya; Boonrumpai, Krittinan; Sangvisut, Chinnakrit; Hattasarn, Yanisa; Wongsanuphat, Suphanat; Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong (2024-01-09)

      Background: It is believed that the COVID-19 pandemic might disrupt routine healthcare services. A vulnerable group such as cross-border migrants is of critical concern if the pandemic affects their service utilisation. In this study, we aim to explore the impact of COVID-19 and other related factors on non-COVID-19 service amongst cross-border migrants in Thailand. Methods: We conducted an ecological time-series cross-sectional analysis using secondary data from 2019 to 2022, focusing on insured and non-insured migrants in a unit of a provincial ...
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      Validation of the Questionnaire on Sexual and Reproductive Health Literacy for Adolescents Age 15 to 19 Years in Lao People's Democratic Republic 

      Vongxay, Viengnakhone; Thongmixay, Souksamone; Stoltenborg, Lianne; Inthapanyo, Amphone; Sychareun, Vanphanom; Chaleunvong, Kongmany; Essink, Dirk Rombout (2022-03-08)

      BACKGROUND:Beyond sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge, it is sexual and reproductive health literacy (SRHL) that reflects the capacity to deal with sexuality. Many interventions have been conducted to increase SRH knowledge in adolescents, but SRHL has rarely been measured, and a well-validated tool is needed to measure it. Objective: This study aimed to validate a tool to measure adolescent SRHL. METHODS:Reliability, validity, and cultural equivalence were investigated using data from expert consultations, cognitive interviews, and ...
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      Vignettes of Equity: A Glimpse into COVID-19 in Southeast Asia 

      Unknown author (The Equity Initiative, 2020-07-03)
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      Violence against women in the Philippines: barriers to seeking support 

      Valdez, Isabel Kristine M.; Arevalo, Ma.Veronica Pia N.; Robredo, Janine Patricia G.; Gacad, Sabrina Laya S.; Villaceran, Marie Aubrey J.; Libang, Gertrudes R.; Dela Paz, Edelina P.; Rubin, Krissi Shaffina Twyla A.; Eala, Michelle Ann B. (2022-05-03)
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      Voices in leadership: Ban Ki-moon 

      Ban Ki-Moon, speaker (The Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health, 2017)
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      Walking the talk for dementia: A unique immersive, embodied, and multi-experiential initiative 

      Fernando Peres, Aguzzoli; Haas, Aline Nogueira; Martha, Angga Dwi; Chan, Melissa; Steele, Michelle; Ferretti, Maria Teresa; Ngcobo, Ntokozo N; Ilinca, Stefania; Domínguez-Vivero, Clara; Leroi, Iracema; Sajnani, Nisha; Zimmer, Eduardo R; Kornhuber, Alex; Kalache, Alexandre; Holtzhausen, Berrie; Tristão-Pereira, Catarina; Dupont, Charlèss; Cohen, Dan; Jong, David de; Facal, David; O'Sullivan, Desmond; Mateus, Elaine; Roso, Enzo; Estrop, Evon; Gamba, Giulia; San Martin Elexpe, Gustavo; Ulises Diaz Hernández, Hector; Quaid, Helena; Govia, Ishtar; Barbosa, João; García Del Moral, Joaquina; Miller, Johnny; García García, José Antonio; Quaid, Kevin; Navarro, Laura; García, Laura Zúñiga; Waters, Laureen; Molete, Lebo; Godoy, Maria Eugenia; Sigauke, Maureen; de Ataide Schulte, Max William; Estrop, Peter; San Martin Elexpe Cardoso, Priscilla; Perez, Randall; Patterson, Rianna; Chakrabarti, Ronika; Wong, Ruth; Marsillas, Sara; Lowe, Shontonese; Rego, Taida Sánchez; Farombi, Temitope; Montgomery, Theresa; In 't Veen, Ton; Yanni, Valli; Weidner, Wendy; Ibanez, Agustin (2023-11-27)

      Coping with dementia requires an integrated approach encompassing personal, health, research, and community domains. Here we describe "Walking the Talk for Dementia," an immersive initiative aimed at empowering people with dementia, enhancing dementia understanding, and inspiring collaborations. This initiative involved 300 participants from 25 nationalities, including people with dementia, care partners, clinicians, policymakers, researchers, and advocates for a 4-day, 40 km walk through the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. A 2-day ...
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      We Have the Tools to Reverse the Rise in Inequality 

      Blanchard, Olivier; Rodrik, Dani (PIIE Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2019-11)
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      Wealth-based inequality in the continuum of maternal health service utilisation in 16 sub-Saharan African countries 

      Asefa, Anteneh; Gebremedhin, Samson; Marthias, Tiara; Nababan, Herfina; Christou, Aliki; Semaan, Aline; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Tabana, Hanani; Al-beity, Fadhlun M. Alwy; Dossou, Jean-Paul; Gutema, Keneni; Delvaux, Thérèse; Birabwa, Catherine; Dennis, Mardieh; Grovogui, Fassou Mathias; McPake, Barbara; Beňová, Lenka (2023-10-02)

      Background: Persistent inequalities in coverage of maternal health services in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), a region home to two-thirds of global maternal deaths in 2017, poses a challenge for countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. This study assesses wealth-based inequalities in coverage of maternal continuum of care in 16 SSA countries with the objective of informing targeted policies to ensure maternal health equity in the region. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) ...
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      What does universal health coverage mean? 

      O'Connell, Thomas; Rasanathan, Kumanan; Chopra, Mickey (The Lancet, 2014)
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      What is group work? 

      Smith, Mark K. (, 2012-12-05)

      What is group work? While many practitioners may describe what they do as ‘group work’, they often have only a limited appreciation of what group work is and what it entails. In this piece we introduce groups and group work, define some key aspects, and suggest areas for exploration. In particular we focus on the process of working with groups.
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      What Is Health Equity? And What Difference Does a Definition Make? 

      Paula Braveman; Elaine Arkin; Tracy Orleans; Dwayne Proctor; Alonzo Plough (2017)

      This report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation aims to stimulate discussion and promote greater consensus about the meaning of health equity and the implications of acting on it. The goal of the report is to identify essential elements to guide effective action rather than to encourage all practitioners to use the same words to define health equity. The report notes that definitions can matter and that, in the case of health equity, clarity is important, especially given that working towards equity is a struggle that must engage diverse ...
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      What is public narrative? 

      Ganz, Marshall (2008)
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      What is the Future of Integration and Inequality in ASEAN? 

      Mordecai, Aédán (the Diplomat, 2017-09-15)
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      World Bank: Wealth inequality a threat to East Asia, Pacific 

      Unknown author (the Star Online, 2017-12-04)
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      World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development 

      World Bank Publications (World Bank Publications, 2005)

      The World Development Report 2006: Equity and Opportunitypresents a social development strategy organized around the themes of social inclusion, cohesion, and accountability. It examines equality of opportunities--a potentially important factor affecting both the workings of the investment environment and the empowerment of the poor--by building on and extending existing accountability frameworks presented in the 2005Report.