Browsing by Title
Now showing items 127-146 of 299
Health care systems in low- and middle-income countries
(Massachusetts Medical Society, 2014-02-06)
This review draws on what is now quite an extensive literature on the deficiencies of health care systems and on the Health Systems Evidence database. However, the poor quality and uneven coverage of evidence on the strengthening of health care systems means that evidence of deficiencies is stronger than evidence of remedies. Moreover, the specific circumstances of individual countries strongly influence both decisions about which approaches might be relevant and their success, so any generalizations made from health systems research in particular ... -
Health equity and COVID-19: global perspectives
The COVID-19 is disproportionally affecting the poor, minorities and a broad range of vulnerable populations, due to its inequitable spread in areas of dense population and limited mitigation capacity due to high prevalence of chronic conditions or poor access to high quality public health and medical care. Moreover, the collateral effects of the pandemic due to the global economic downturn, and social isolation and movement restriction measures, are unequally affecting those in the lowest power strata of societies. To address the challenges to ... -
Health financing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for universal health care: a case study of 15 countries
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic was a health emergency requiring rapid fiscal resource mobilisation to support national responses. The use of effective health financing mechanisms and policies, or lack thereof, affected the impact of the pandemic on the population, particularly vulnerable groups and individuals. We provide an overview and illustrative examples of health financing policies adopted in 15 countries during the pandemic, develop a framework for resilient health financing, and use this pandemic to argue a case to move towards ... -
Health in all policies: Helsinki statement. Framework for country action
(World Health Organization, 2021)
The participants to the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion endorsed the Helsinki Statement on Health in All Policies In which they prioritize health and equity as a core responsibility of governments to its peoples, affirm the compelling and urgent need for effective policy coherence for health and well-being and recognize that this will require political will, courage and strategic foresight. The participants of the Conference call on governments to fulfill their obligations to their people’s health and wellbeing by taking a number of ... -
Health Inequalities and Infectious Disease Epidemics: A Challenge for Global Health Security
In today's global society, infectious disease outbreaks can spread quickly across the world, fueled by the rapidity with which we travel across borders and continents. Historical accounts of influenza pandemics and contemporary reports on infectious diseases clearly demonstrate that poverty, inequality, and social determinants of health create conditions for the transmission of infectious diseases, and existing health disparities or inequalities can further contribute to unequal burdens of morbidity and mortality. Yet, to date, studies of influenza ... -
Health inequalities: critical perspectives
(Oxford University Press, 2016)
This section provides a brief summary of the main ways in which health in-equalities are conceptualized, particularly in terms of the indicators used to stratify health. It is by no means a comprehensive account but rather considers the ways in which researchers focusing on the UK have tended to conceptualize health inequalities over the past 30 years and some of the key chalenges to these approaches (critiques which are developed later in this book). -
The health needs and access barriers among refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia: A qualitative study
Background: In Malaysia, refugees and asylum-seekers are a vulnerable group that often face circumstances in which their health and wellbeing can be compromised. This qualitative study sought to examine the key health concerns and barriers to healthcare access among refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia through the lens of healthcare professionals, program staff and experts on refugee and migrant health. Methods: We conducted 20 semi-structured in-depth interviews with experts, healthcare professionals, program managers or executives from ... -
Health System Responses to the Health Needs of Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study
Background: This study was conducted to examine the responses and challenges in addressing the health needs of refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia from a health systems and policy perspective. Methods: Twenty semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with key informants comprising experts, healthcare professionals and program personnel with professional experience in refugee health issues. Deductive and inductive analyses were conducted to identify themes. Results: Our study identified a broad range of actors involved in the response ... -
Health Workers on the Political Frontlines
(2022-06) -
Health, Disability and the Capability Approach: An Introduction
(Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2015)
This special issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities focuses on two areas of substantial and growing importance to the human development and capability approach: disability and health. The research on disability, health and the capability approach has been diverse in the topics it covers, and the conceptual frameworks and methodologies it uses, beginning over a decade and a half ago in health (Ruger 1998) and more than a decade ago in disability (Baylies 2002).1 We are pleased to share a set of articles in these two areas. ... -
Healthcare for migrant workers in destination countries: a comparative qualitative study of China and Malaysia
Objectives: This paper explores policies addressing migrant worker’s health and barriers to healthcare access in two middle-income, destination countries in Asia with cross-border migration to Yunnan province, China and international migration to Malaysia. Design: Qualitative interviews were conducted in Rui Li City and Tenchong County in Yunnan Province, China (n=23) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (n=44), along with review of policy documents. Data were thematically analysed. Participants: Participants were migrant workers and key stakeholders ... -
HIV and syphilis knowledge, perceptions, and practices among Myanmar migrant workers in Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand
Background: Thailand has been one of the largest migration hubs in Southeast Asia for the past four decades and keeps attracting migrants from neighboring countries. Due to difficulties associated with their status, migration can place individuals at a heightened risk for sexually transmitted diseases. This study aimed to examine factors influencing HIV and syphilis preventive behaviors among Myanmar migrants in Samut Sakhon, Thailand. Methods: A cross-sectional mixed-method study was conducted among Myanmar migrants aged 18 years and above ... -
HIV/AIDS health care challenges for cross-country migrants in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review
Introduction: HIV/AIDS has been one of the world’s most important health challenges in recent history. The global solidarity in responding to HIV/AIDS through the provision of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and encouraging early screening has been proved successful in saving lives of infected populations in past decades. However, there remain several challenges, one of which is how HIV/AIDS policies keep pace with the growing speed and diversity of migration flows. This study therefore aimed to examine the nature and the extent of HIV/AIDS health ... -
How can we reduce health inequality?
(2015-01-19) -
How Countries in Southeast Asia are Working Together to Accelerate Human Capital Development
(THE WORLD BANK, 2019) -
How equitable is social franchising? Case studies of three maternal healthcare franchises in Uganda and India
(Oxford University Press in association with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2018-04-01)
Substantial investments have been made in clinical social franchising to improve quality of care of private facilities in low- and middle-income countries but concerns have emerged that the benefits fail to reach poorer groups. We assessed the distribution of franchise utilization and content of care by socioeconomic status (SES) in three maternal healthcare social franchises in Uganda and India (Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan). We surveyed 2179 women who had received antenatal care (ANC) and/or delivery services at franchise clinics (in Uttar Pradesh ... -
How Management and Leadership Training Can Impact a Health System: Evaluation Findings From a Public Health Management Training Program in Cambodia
In 2017, the National Institute of Public Health in Cambodia collaborated with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide management and leadership training for 20 managers and senior staff from 10 health centers. We conducted a mixed methods evaluation of the program's outcomes and impact on the graduates and health centers. From June 2018 (baseline) to January 2019 (endpoint), we collected data from a competency assessment, observational visits, and interviews. From baseline to endpoint, all 20 participants reported increased ... -
How to promote the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system: A tripartite evolutionary game theory perspective
Due to the disorderly access to medical care and inefficient use of health resources, the advancement of the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment is more valued in promoting health system reform. Hence, this article integrates prospect theory into an evolutionary game model of the local government health departments, the medical institutions, and the patients in the system promotion of the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment. The simulation shows the specific influencing mechanism of the psychological perceived value of game subjects. Then by ... -
Human resources for health: task shifting to promote basic health service delivery among internally displaced people in ethnic health program service areas in eastern Burma/Myanmar
Background: Burma/Myanmar was controlled by a military regime for over 50 years. Many basic social and protection services have been neglected, specifically in the ethnic areas. Development in these areas was led by the ethnic non-state actors to ensure care and the availability of health services for the communities living in the border ethnic-controlled areas. Political changes in Burma/Myanmar have been ongoing since the end of 2010. Given the ethnic diversity of Burma/Myanmar, many challenges in ensuring health service coverage among all ... -
Ideation Caravan by Borwornsom Leerapan (Cohort 2018)
(The Equity Initiative, 2022-01-23)
Building Equitable and Resilient Health Systems: A Systems Thinking Perspective From Personal to Systems Resilience