Now showing items 107-126 of 229

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      Health inequalities and social group differences: what should we measure? 

      Murray, C J L; Gakidou, E E; Frenk, J (Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999)

      Both health inequalities and social group health differences are important aspects of measuring population health. Despite widespread recognition of their magnitude in many high- and low-income countries, there is considerable debate about the meaning and measurement of health inequalities, social group health differences and inequities. The lack of standard definitions, measurement strategies and indicators has and will continue to limit comparisons Ð between and within countries, and over time Ð of health inequalities, and perhaps more ...
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      Health inequalities: critical perspectives 

      Smith, Katherine E.; Bambra, Clare; Hill, Sarah E. (Oxford University Press, 2016)

      This section provides a brief summary of the main ways in which health in-equalities are conceptualized, particularly in terms of the indicators used to stratify health. It is by no means a comprehensive account but rather considers the ways in which researchers focusing on the UK have tended to conceptualize health inequalities over the past 30 years and some of the key chalenges to these approaches (critiques which are developed later in this book).
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      Health inequities and social justice: The moral foundations of public health 

      Faden, R. R.; Powers, M. (Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, 2008)

      Recently we argued that social justice is concerned with human well-being, which is best understood as involving plural, irreducible dimensions, each of which represents something of independent moral significance. Health is one of these distinct dimensions of well-being, as is personal security, the development and exercise of cognitive capacities for reasoning, living under conditions of social respect, developing and sustaining deep personal attachments, and being able to lead self-determining lives. In this paper, we address why considerations ...
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      Health Inequities and the Social Determinants of Health 

      Rogers, Wendy (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2006)

      The health of individuals and populations is influenced by many variables. These include genetics and biology, but perhaps more important than these are the social determinants of health. The social, political and economic circumstances in which people live their lives are critical in determining how long they live and with what burden of ill health. These differences are very marked between countries, for example a 15-year-old boy in Lesotho has about a 10% chance of living until the age of 60, compared with a 15-year-old boy in Sweden who has ...
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      Health, Disability and the Capability Approach: An Introduction 

      Prah Ruger, Jennifer; Mitra, Sophie (Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2015)

      This special issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities focuses on two areas of substantial and growing importance to the human development and capability approach: disability and health. The research on disability, health and the capability approach has been diverse in the topics it covers, and the conceptual frameworks and methodologies it uses, beginning over a decade and a half ago in health (Ruger 1998) and more than a decade ago in disability (Baylies 2002).1 We are pleased to share a set of articles in these two areas. ...
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      Venkatapuram, Sridhar (Bioethics, 2013)

      I argue for a conception of health as a person’s ability to achieve or exercise a cluster of basic human activities. These basic activities are in turn specified through free-standing ethical reasoning about what constitutes a minimal conception of a human life with equal human dignity in the modern world. I arrive at this conception of health by closely following and modifying Lennart Nordenfelt’s theory of health which presents health as the ability to achieve vital goals. Despite its strengths I transform Nordenfelt’s argument in order to ...
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      How can we reduce health inequality? 

      Bandara, Thilina (2015-01-19)
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      How equitable is social franchising? Case studies of three maternal healthcare franchises in Uganda and India 

      Haemmerli, Manon; Santos, Andreia; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Lange, Isabelle; Matovu, Fred; Benova, Lenka; Wong, Kerry LM; Goodman, Catherine (Oxford University Press in association with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2018-04-01)

      Substantial investments have been made in clinical social franchising to improve quality of care of private facilities in low- and middle-income countries but concerns have emerged that the benefits fail to reach poorer groups. We assessed the distribution of franchise utilization and content of care by socioeconomic status (SES) in three maternal healthcare social franchises in Uganda and India (Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan). We surveyed 2179 women who had received antenatal care (ANC) and/or delivery services at franchise clinics (in Uttar Pradesh ...
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      Human rights and asian values 

      Sen, Amartya (1997)

      In 1776, just when the Declaration of Independence was being adopted in this country, Thomas Paine complained, in Common Sense, that Asia had “long expelled” freedom. In this lament, Paine saw Asia in company with much of the rest of the world (America, he hoped, would be different). Singapore warned that “universal recognition of the ideal of human rights can be harmful if universalism is used to deny or mask the reality of diversity.” The Chinese delegation played a leading role in emphasizing regional differences and in making sure that the ...
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      Human Rights and Asian Values 

      Amartya Sen (Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, 1997)
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      Human Rights and Capabilities 

      Sen, Amartya (Journal of Human Development, 2005-07)

      The two concepts — human rights and capabilities — go well with each other, so long as we do not try to subsume either concept entirely within the territory of the other. There are many human rights that can be seen as rights to particular capabilities. However, human rights to important process freedoms cannot be adequately analysed within the capability framework. Furthermore, both human rights and capabilities have to depend on the process of public reasoning. The methodology of public scrutiny draws on Rawlsian understanding of ‘objectivity’ ...
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      Human Rights and Human Capabilities 

      Nussbaum, Martha (Harvard Human Rights Journal)
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      Ideation Caravan by Borwornsom Leerapan (Cohort 2018) 

      The Equity Initiative (The Equity Initiative, 2022-01-23)

      Building Equitable and Resilient Health Systems: A Systems Thinking Perspective From Personal to Systems Resilience
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      Ideation Caravan By Pham Kieu Oanh (Cohort 2016) 

      The Equity Initiative (The Equity Initiative, 2022-01-23)
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      Ideation Caravan by Rennta (Cohort 2019) 

      The Equity Initiative (The Equity Initiative, 2022-01-23)

      REKAN (Community Health Volunteers) for Elderly Innitiative Capacity Building for Community Health Volunters to Promote Well-Being for the Elderly During COVID-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
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      Improving equity in health by addressing social determinants 

      Unknown author (World Health Organization, 2011)

      This recently published book highlights actions to improve health equity based on findings from the nine global Knowledge Networks that were established during the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Their task was to synthesize existing evidence and identify effective and appropriate actions to improve health equity in nine thematic areas: - globalization; - gender; - social exclusion; - early child development; - urban settings; - employment conditions; - health systems; - public health programs; and - measurement and evidence. ...
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