Browsing 2. Leadership Development by Author "Hsiao, William C."
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Lessons from 20 Years of Capacity Building for Health Systems Thinking
Reich, Michael R.; Yazbeck, Abdo S.; Berman, Peter; Bitran, Ricardo; Bossert, Thomas; Escobar, Maria-Luisa; Hsiao, William C.; Johansen, Anne S.; Samaha, Hadia; Shaw, Paul; Yip, Winnie (2016-05-20)
In 2016, the Flagship Program for improving health systems performance and equity, a partnership for leadership development between the World Bank and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and other institutions, celebrates 20 years of achievement. Set up at a time when development assistance for health was growing exponentially, the Flagship Program sought to bring systems thinking to efforts at health sector strengthening and reform. Capacity-building and knowledge transfer mechanisms are relatively easy to begin but hard to sustain, ...