Browsing 1.01.02 Structural & Social Determinants of Health by Title
Now showing items 9-18 of 18
Regional strategy on health system strengthening and primary health care
(WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2010) -
In this paper, we discuss methods to allocate national health care funds to purchasers or insurers of health care. For administrative reasons, resources are usually allocated as they always have been—which relates more closely to the existing structure and demand than to need. Resource allocation through capitation is needed to achieve equity in access to health care or health outcome. Capitation should be based on epidemiological or sociodemographic need factors. The author discusses how to select and weight need factors and provides examples ... -
Social Determinants and Their Unequal Distribution: Clarifying Policy Understandings
(The Milbank Quarterly, 2004-03)
Public health policy in older industrialized societies is being reconfigured to improve population health and to address inequalities in the social distribution of health. The concept of social determinants is central to these policies, with tackling the social influences on health seen as a way to reduce health inequalities. But the social factors promoting and undermining the health of individuals and populations should not be confused with the social processes underlying their unequal distribution. This distinction is important because, despite ... -
Social determinants of health inequalities
(The Lancet, 2005)
The gross inequalities in health that we see within and between countries present a challenge to the world. That there should be a spread of life expectancy of 48 years among countries and 20 years or more within countries is not inevitable. A burgeoning volume of research identifies social factors at the root of much of these inequalities in health. Social determinants are relevant to communicable and non-communicable disease alike. Health status, therefore, should be of concern to policy makers in every sector, not solely those involved in ... -
Social determinants of health inequalities: towards a theoretical perspective using systems science
A systems approach offers a novel conceptualization to natural and social systems. In recent years, this has led to perceiving population health outcomes as an emergent property of a dynamic and open, complex adaptive system. The current paper explores these themes further and applies the principles of systems approach and complexity science (i.e. systems science) to conceptualize social determinants of health inequalities. The conceptualization can be done in two steps: viewing health inequalities from a systems approach and extending it to ... -
Socioeconomic Status and Health: Mediating and Moderating Factors
(Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2013-03-28)
Health disparities (differences in health by socioeconomic groups) are a pressing issue in our society. This article provides an overview of a multilevel approach that seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying health disparities by considering factors at the individual, family, and neighborhood levels. In addition, we describe an approach to connecting these factors to various levels of biological processes (systemic inflammation, cellular processes, and genomic pathways) that drive disease pathophysiology. In the second half of the article, ... -
Teaching the Social Determinants of Health: A Path to Equity or a Road to Nowhere?
Medical schools are increasingly called to include social responsibility in their mandates. As such, they are focusing their attention on the social determinants of health (SDOH) as key drivers in the health of the patients and communities they serve. However, underlying this emphasis on SDOH is the assumption that teaching medical students about SDOH will lead future physicians to take action to help achieve health equity. There is little evidence to support this belief. In many ways, the current approach to SDOH within medical ... -
The political origins of health inequity: prospects for change
(The Lancet, 2014-02-11)
Despite large gains in health over the past few decades, the distribution of health risks worldwide remains extremely and unacceptably uneven. Although the health sector has a crucial role in addressing health inequalities, its eff orts often come into confl ict with powerful global actors in pursuit of other interests such as protection of national security, safeguarding of sovereignty, or economic goals. This is the starting point of The Lancet–University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health. With globalisation, health inequity ... -
The Social Determinants of Health: Coming of Age
(Annual Review of Public Health, 2011-04-21)
In the United States, awareness is increasing that medical care alone cannot adequately improve health overall or reduce health disparities without also addressing where and how people live. A critical mass of relevant knowledge has accumulated, documenting associations, exploring pathways and biological mechanisms, and providing a previously unavailable scientific foundation for appreciating the role of social factors in health. We review current knowledge about health effects of social (including economic) factors, knowledge gaps, and research ... -
The wider determinants of inequalities in health: a decomposition analysis
(International Journal for Equity in Health, 2011)
Background: The common starting point of many studies scrutinizing the factors underlying health inequalities is that material, cultural-behavioural, and psycho-social factors affect the distribution of health systematically through income, education, occupation, wealth or similar indicators of socioeconomic structure. However, little is known regarding if and to what extent these factors can assert systematic influence on the distribution of health of a population independent of the effects channelled through income, education, or wealth. Methods: ...