Now showing items 1-14 of 14

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      10 Best resources on… intersectionality with an emphasis on low- and middle-income countries 

      Larson, Elizabeth; George, Asha; Morgan, Rosemary; Poteat, Tonia (Health Policy and Planning, 2016-10-01)

      Intersectionality has emerged as an important framework for understanding and responding to health inequities by making visible the fluid and interconnected structures of power that create them. It promotes an understanding of the dynamic nature of the privileges and disadvantages that permeate health systems and affect health. It considers the interaction of different social stratifiers (e.g. ‘race’/ ethnicity, indigeneity, gender, class, sexuality, geography, age, disability/ability, migration status, religion) and the power structures that ...
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      Global warming has increased global economic inequality 

      Diffenbaugh, Noah S.; Burke, Marshall (2019-05-14)

      Significance We find that global warming has very likely exacerbated global economic inequality, including ∼25% increase in population-weighted between-country inequality over the past half century. This increase results from the impact of warming on annual economic growth, which over the course of decades has accumulated robust and substantial declines in economic output in hotter, poorer countries—and increases in many cooler, wealthier countries—relative to a world without anthropogenic warming. Thus, the global warming caused by ...
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      Global warming has increased global economic inequality 

      Diffenbaugh, Noah S.; Burke, Marshall (The Journalist's Resource, Shorenstein center on media, politics and public policy, Harvard Kennedy School, 2019-05-14)

      Significance We find that global warming has very likely exacerbated global economic inequality, including ∼25% increase in population-weighted between-country inequality over the past half century. This increase results from the impact of warming on annual economic growth, which over the course of decades has accumulated robust and substantial declines in economic output in hotter, poorer countries—and increases in many cooler, wealthier countries—relative to a world without anthropogenic warming. Thus, the global warming caused by ...
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      Health inequalities and social group differences: what should we measure? 

      Murray, C J L; Gakidou, E E; Frenk, J (Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999)

      Both health inequalities and social group health differences are important aspects of measuring population health. Despite widespread recognition of their magnitude in many high- and low-income countries, there is considerable debate about the meaning and measurement of health inequalities, social group health differences and inequities. The lack of standard definitions, measurement strategies and indicators has and will continue to limit comparisons Ð between and within countries, and over time Ð of health inequalities, and perhaps more ...
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      Income Inequality and Outcomes in Heart Failure 

      Dewan, Pooja (2019)

      OBJECTIVES This study examined the relationship between income inequality and heart failure outcomes. BACKGROUND The income inequality hypothesis postulates that population health is influenced by income distribution within a society, with greater inequality associated with worse outcomes. METHODS This study analyzed heart failure outcomes in 2 large trials conducted in 54 countries. Countries were divided by tertiles of Gini coefficients (where 0% represented absolute income equality and 100% represented absolute income inequality), and heart ...
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      Hankivsky, Olena (Institute for Intersectionality Research and Policy)

      Interest in and applications of intersectionality have grown exponentially in popularity over the last 15 years. Scholars across the globe from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, political science, health sciences, geography, philosophy and anthropology, as well as in feminist studies, ethnic studies, queer studies and legal studies, have drawn on intersectionality to challenge inequities and promote social justice. This practice has also extended to policy makers, human rights activists and community organizers search - ing ...
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      Intersectionality and health-related stigma: insights from experiences of people living with stigmatized health conditions in Indonesia 

      Rai, Sarju Sing; Peters, Ruth M. H.; Syurina, Elena V.; Irwanto, Irwanto; Naniche, Denise; Zweekhorst, Marjolein B. M. (International Journal for Equity in Health, 2020-12)

      Abstract Background Health-related stigma is a complex phenomenon, the experience of which intersects with those of other adversities arising from a diversity of social inequalities and oppressive identities like gender, sexuality, and poverty – a concept called “intersectionality”. Understanding this intersectionality between health-related stigma and other forms of social marginalization can provide a fuller and more comprehensive picture of stigma associated with health conditions. The main objective ...
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      Intersectionality: Multiple Inequalities in Social Theory 

      Walby, Sylvia; Armstrong, Jo; Strid, Sofia (SAGE Journal, 2012-04)

      The concept of intersectionality is reviewed and further developed for more effective use. Six dilemmas in the debates on the concept are disentangled, addressed and resolved: the distinction between structural and political intersectionality; the tension between ‘categories’ and ‘inequalities’; the significance of class; the balance between a fluidity and stability; the varyingly competitive, cooperative, hierarchical and hegemonic relations between inequalities and between projects; and the conundrum of ‘visibility’ in the tension between the ...
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      Social Determinants and Their Unequal Distribution: Clarifying Policy Understandings 

      Graham, Hilary (The Milbank Quarterly, 2004-03)

      Public health policy in older industrialized societies is being reconfigured to improve population health and to address inequalities in the social distribution of health. The concept of social determinants is central to these policies, with tackling the social influences on health seen as a way to reduce health inequalities. But the social factors promoting and undermining the health of individuals and populations should not be confused with the social processes underlying their unequal distribution. This distinction is important because, despite ...
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      Social determinants of health inequalities: towards a theoretical perspective using systems science 

      Jayasinghe, Saroj (2015)

      A systems approach offers a novel conceptualization to natural and social systems. In recent years, this has led to perceiving population health outcomes as an emergent property of a dynamic and open, complex adaptive system. The current paper explores these themes further and applies the principles of systems approach and complexity science (i.e. systems science) to conceptualize social determinants of health inequalities. The conceptualization can be done in two steps: viewing health inequalities from a systems approach and extending it to ...
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      Socioeconomic Status and Health: Mediating and Moderating Factors 

      Chen, Edith; Miller, Gregory E. (Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2013-03-28)

      Health disparities (differences in health by socioeconomic groups) are a pressing issue in our society. This article provides an overview of a multilevel approach that seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying health disparities by considering factors at the individual, family, and neighborhood levels. In addition, we describe an approach to connecting these factors to various levels of biological processes (systemic inflammation, cellular processes, and genomic pathways) that drive disease pathophysiology. In the second half of the article, ...
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      Teaching the Social Determinants of Health: A Path to Equity or a Road to Nowhere? 

      Sharma, Malika; Pinto, Andrew D; Kumagai, Arno K

      Medical schools are increasingly called to include social responsibility in their mandates. As such, they are focusing their attention on the social determinants of health (SDOH) as key drivers in the health of the patients and communities they serve. However, underlying this emphasis on SDOH is the assumption that teaching medical students about SDOH will lead future physicians to take action to help achieve health equity. There is little evidence to support this belief. In many ways, the current approach to SDOH within medical ...
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      The Social Determinants of Health: Coming of Age 

      Braveman, Paula; Egerter, Susan; Williams, David R. (Annual Review of Public Health, 2011-04-21)

      In the United States, awareness is increasing that medical care alone cannot adequately improve health overall or reduce health disparities without also addressing where and how people live. A critical mass of relevant knowledge has accumulated, documenting associations, exploring pathways and biological mechanisms, and providing a previously unavailable scientific foundation for appreciating the role of social factors in health. We review current knowledge about health effects of social (including economic) factors, knowledge gaps, and research ...
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      The wider determinants of inequalities in health: a decomposition analysis 

      Sundmacher, Leonie; Scheller-Kreinsen, David; Busse, Reinhard (International Journal for Equity in Health, 2011)

      Background: The common starting point of many studies scrutinizing the factors underlying health inequalities is that material, cultural-behavioural, and psycho-social factors affect the distribution of health systematically through income, education, occupation, wealth or similar indicators of socioeconomic structure. However, little is known regarding if and to what extent these factors can assert systematic influence on the distribution of health of a population independent of the effects channelled through income, education, or wealth. Methods: ...