Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      A conceptual framework for action on the social determinants of health 

      World Health Organization (World Health Organization, 2010)

      Complexity defines health. Now, more than ever, in the age of globalization, is this so. The Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) was set up by the World Health Organization (WHO) to get to the heart of this complexity. They were tasked with summarizing the evidence on how the structure of societies, through myriad social interactions, norms and institutions, are affecting population health, and what governments and public health can do about it. To guide the Commission in its mammoth task, the WHO Secretariat conducted a review ...
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      Challenging inequities in health : from ethics to action : summary 

      Evans, Timothy; Whitehead, Margaret; Wirth, Meg; Epstein, Helen; McNees, Pat; The Rockefeller Foundation; Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Oxford University Press, New York, 2001)

      Challenging Inequities in Health, was conceived as a response to the following: 1. Concerns about widening “health gaps” both between and within countries; 2. A disproportionate research focus on inequalities in health in the “North” to the relative neglect of the “South”; and 3. Inadequate analytic tools and pragmatic policies to redress health inequities. Through a collective effort of researchers and practitioners called the Global Health Equity Initiative (GHEI), a set of in-depth country studies and conceptual analyses on health equity ...