Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Measuring health equity in the ASEAN region: conceptual framework and assessment of data availability 

      Barcellona, Capucine; Mariéas, Yzabel Bryanna; Tan, Si Ying; Lee, Gabriel; Ko, Khin Chaw; Chham, Savina; Leerapan, Borwornsom; Pham Tien, Nam; Lim, Jeremy (2023-12-05)

      Background: Existing research on health equity falls short of identifying a comprehensive set of indicators for measurement across health systems. Health systems in the ASEAN region, in particular, lack a standardised framework to assess health equity. This paper proposes a comprehensive framework to measure health equity in the ASEAN region and highlights current gaps in data availability according to its indicator components. Methods: A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to map out a core set of indicators to evaluate health ...
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      Tracking health system performance in times of crisis using routine health data: lessons learned from a multicountry consortium 

      Turcotte-Tremblay, Anne-Marie; Leerapan, Borwornsom; Akweongo, Patricia; Amponsah, Freddie; Aryal, Amit; Asai, Daisuke; Awoonor-Williams, John Koku; Ayele, Wondimu; Bauhoff, Sebastian; Doubova, Svetlana V.; Gadeka, Dominic Dormenyo; Dulal, Mahesh; Gage, Anna; Gordon-Strachan, Georgiana; Haile-Mariam, Damen; Joseph, Jean Paul; Kaewkamjornchai, Phanuwich; Kapoor, Neena R.; Gelaw, Solomon Kassahun; Kim, Min Kyung; Kruk, Margaret E.; Kubota, Shogo; Margozzini, Paula; Mehata, Suresh; Mthethwa, Londiwe; Nega, Adiam; Oh, Juhwan; Park, Soo Kyung; Passi-Solar, Alvaro; Cuevas, Ricardo Enrique Perez; Reddy, Tarylee; Rittiphairoj, Thanitsara; Sapag, Jaime C.; Thermidor, Roody; Tlou, Boikhutso; Arsenault, Catherine (2023-01-31)

      COVID-19 has prompted the use of readily available administrative data to track health system performance in times of crisis and to monitor disruptions in essential healthcare services. In this commentary we describe our experience working with these data and lessons learned across countries. Since April 2020, the Quality Evidence for Health System Transformation (QuEST) network has used administrative data and routine health information systems (RHIS) to assess health system performance during COVID-19 in Chile, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Lao ...