Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Health System Responses to the Health Needs of Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study
Background: This study was conducted to examine the responses and challenges in addressing the health needs of refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia from a health systems and policy perspective. Methods: Twenty semi-structured ...
Breaking down the barriers: Understanding migrant workers' access to healthcare in Malaysia
Malaysia is widely credited to have achieved universal health coverage for citizens. However, the accessibility of healthcare services to migrant workers is questionable. Recently, medical fees for foreigners ...
The Political Economy of UHC Reform in Thailand: Lessons for Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Thailand achieved full population coverage of financial protection for health care in 2002 with successful implementation of the Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS). The three public health insurance schemes covered 98.5% of ...
Political economy of Thailand's tax-financed universal coverage scheme
The challenge of implementing contributory health insurance among populations in the informal sector was a barrier to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) in Thailand.
UHC was a political ...
Achieving the targets for universal health coverage: how is Thailand monitoring progress?
Universal health coverage (UHC) is one of the targets within the Sustainable Development Goalsthat the Member States of the United Nations have pledged to achieve by 2030. Target 3.8 has twomonitoring indicators: 3.8.1 ...
Prevalence and socio-demographic determinants of depression among inmates of a prison in Malaysia
Depression is the most common form of mental disorder among prison inmates. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence and socio-demographic determinants of depression among adult male inmates in a local ...
Legislating for public accountability in universal health coverage, Thailand
Sustaining universal health coverage requires robust active public participation in policy formation and governance. Thailand’s universal coverage scheme was implemented nationwide in 2002, allowing Thailand to achieve ...
Community engagement to manage acute malnutrition: implementation research in Kupang district, Indonesia
To improve the low coverage and performance of a programme on community-based management of acute malnutrition, implemented between October 2015 and April 2018 in Kupang district in rural Indonesia.
To ...
The social determinants of chronic disease management: perspectives of elderly patients with hypertension from low socio-economic background in Singapore
In Singapore, the burden of hypertension disproportionately falls on the elderly population of low socio-economic status. Despite availability of effective treatment, studies have shown high prevalence of ...
Perceived barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services for youth in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Sexual activity during youth is common in Lao PDR. However, young people seldom utilize sexual and reproductive health services and subsequently suffer from poor sexual and reproductive health. The aim of ...