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      Associations between the stringency of COVID-19 containment policies and health service disruptions in 10 countries 

      Reddy, Tarylee; Kapoor, Neena R.; Kubota, Shogo; Doubova, Svetlana V; Asai, Daisuke; Mariam, Damen Haile; Ayele, Wondimu; Mebratie, Anagaw Derseh; Thermidor, Roody; Sapag, Jaime C.; Bedregal, Paula; Passi-Solar, Álvaro; Gordon-Strachan, Georgiana; Dulal, Mahesh; Gadek, Dominic Dormenyo; Mehata, Suresh; Margozzini, Paula; Leerapan, Borwornsom; Rittiphairoj, Thanitsara; Kaewkamjornchai, Phanuwich; Nega, Adiam; Awoonor-Williams, John Koku; Kruk, Margaret E.; Arsenault, Catherine (2023-04-12)

      Background: Disruptions in essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic have been reported in several countries. Yet, patterns in health service disruption according to country responses remain unclear. In this paper, we investigate associations between the stringency of COVID-19 containment policies and disruptions in 31 health services in 10 low- middle- and high-income countries in 2020. Methods: Using routine health information systems and administrative data from 10 countries (Chile, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Lao People’s Democratic ...